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Welcome to the Digital Systems CERI
of IMT Nord Europe scientific publications portal

  • At IMT Nord Europe, the Centre for Education, Research and Innovation (CERI) Digital Systems covers a wide disciplinary field linked to constrained systems (the Internet of Objects, robotics), Humans (and in particular their interactions with the digital world) or even complex systems through the prism of Artificial Intelligence and Automation. The 34 lecturer-researchers and 6 engineers at CERI are able to cover all teaching fields in the field of digital sciences and technologies (Telecoms, Networks, Systems, Data, Artificial Intelligence, Applications, Cybersecurity, etc.).

    It is structured around 3 research groups: ARTS (Autonomous Resilient Systems), HIDE (Human, Interaction, DEcision) and McLEOD (Modelling and Control of Complex systems in Large Environments requiring Optimized Decision).

    In addition, there is the PPI (Innovation Platform), which supports teacher-researchers in carrying out their prototypes and promoting these to companies. The PPI is also able to provide support services to other CERIs as well as companies.

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HPA distortions Feature points Machine learning Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain Forensics IoT Multi-agent systems Characteristic views Reflection TRAITEMENT DES IMAGES Geometry Full-duplex relaying PHARO Deep learning Anomaly detection Bootstrapping Cognitive radio Smalltalk Multiplayer Simulation Energy efficiency Deep Learning Markov Decision Process Artificial intelligence 3D human action Ambient Assisted Living MOOC INTERFERENCE ELECTROMAGNETIQUE Reeb graph LoRa Dynamic IPv6 protocole de réseaux d'ordinateurs Global change Activity Recognition SVM Autoencoder Riemannian geometry Ground-truth Leak localization Interference Testing Biometric 3D face recognition Intelligence artificielle Géométrie Riemannienne Action recognition Clustering CLASSIFICATION Shape analysis Escape Game Optimization Indexing Channel estimation Retrieval 3D-mesh Industry 40 Modeling Data mining TRAITEMENT DU SIGNAL Computer vision Vehicular communication Design Inland waterway network Evaluation Ergonomics Apprentissage profond Motion analysis Coordination Courses Neural networks 3D-model FPGA Education Serious game Modelling Convex optimization Curriculum Artificial Intelligence Dynamic software update DETECTION Classification Feature extraction Smart home Topology Segmentation Technology Enhanced Learning VIDEO Machine Learning Soft skills Interception Wireless communication Hybrid systems 3D-models Bayesian probabilities Internet of Things LSTM Pharo System identification Facial expression recognition Chemin géodésique

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